Wednesday, October 29, 2008


As there is no particular assigned topic this week to blog about, I am going to relate a few instances of particularly horrible food concoctions that occurred during my childhood.

When I was a young boy, our babysitter asked us what kind of sandwich we would like for lunch. I said "peanut butter and mayonaisse!" to be funny. It wasn't that funny. I would seriously not recommend it to anyone.

A few years ago, my dear (pregnant) mother had a brownie craving. She was tired and probably not thinking all that clearly. We had a box of Cheesecake brownie mix. She started making it, and then she realized that we didn't have the necessary cream cheese the recipe called for. So, she cheddar, shredded.


Brownies are not meant to include shredded cheddar cheese. The consistency was wrong. It was too runny. To thicken the mixture, she thought to add flour. But we were out of flour too. So she used....famous Idaho potato flakes.

It was one of the wierder things I've ever experienced. In my mother's defense, she is a great cook and makes us fine meals all the time. She was just in a funny mood that day. All the same, I can't recommend potato flake cheddar brownies in good conscience to anyone with more than two tastebuds.

As a postnote, I read an insightful letter to the editor today, called "redistribution of grades." Give it a read! Twas very good.

In this random smorgisborg blog, I conclude with a question; did you ever notice how the words fishy, cheesy, and corny all mean near the same thing, and all have to do with food? I wonder where they originated.


Dria said...

Hahah....those brownies sounded like they were to die for.

Scott said...

Well, to be fair, the mind goes through some pretty weird times when the body is pregnant. I don't know how to rationalize cheddar potato brownies other than that.

Sabeys said...

haaaaa!! pregnant women. AWESOME.
...and scott? how would you know?
:) Just kidding.

Leanna said...

WOW that was so funny!! seriously that was awesomely entertaining!

Roxanne said...

I love how random your post was! Your mom sounds hilarious, I've definitely tried some pretty bad substitutes before hah