Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The STRESS! Factor

Stress is an interesting thing. It is a hinderance and a source of harm, but it also is often a help and a motivator. I find it much easier to write a paper or do some homework I know will be due tomorrow than to do homework due in a few weeks. Pressure is helpful at times. I would liken it unto a kite....

If there is not enough tension on the string of a kite, the kite will come crashing down. It needs a little stress to keep it up in the air. Similarly, if we as people were without ambition, purpose, or stress, we would be useless and uneffective in the purpose of our creation. However, just as a kite with too much tension will snap from its string and plummet to the ground, so do we risk destroying ourselves by putting too much strain and stress in our lives.

I am always astounded to ponder the lives of the general authorities. My sundays are really busy; I am just a ward mission leader. I cannot imagine having the responsibilities those men and women have! And yet, they don't seem stressed. I think stress is a choice in many ways. What is required of you is required of you, what is going to happen is going to happen, so why stress about it? Why not choose to be relaxed and work quickly instead?

Stress definitely affects the way we eat. I usually don't eat hardly at all when I am stressed and working on a big project, and then I eat a ton afterwards to celebrate and relax. Food is a good destresser.


Roxanne said...

i totally agree that stress can be a choice. I liked your metaphor, it totally worked! Have a great break :)

Anonymous said...

Peter, you're a freakin genius I swear, your post was awesome

jsashby said...

you must not celebrate too much, cuz your body is amazing! haha, but seriously, I am the opposite, I eat while im stressed to try to enjoy myself a bit. but ya know

Scott said...

Sweet metaphor, makes perfect sense. As for busy Sundays, just wait for when you become a Bishop. that will be fun.